Female genital health education is an integral part of education that has not been well emphasized like it’s supposed to. The Nigerian female child needs to be enlightened on genital health and all she needs to know about it, the do’s and don’ts as well as what could happen if the female child does not pay attention to her genital health and takes care of herself properly.
Most young females experience minor vaginal problems from time to time. These problems can be related to menstrual cycles, infections, medicines, environmental factors such as the toilet etc.
Menstruation is an important part of the girl child and unfortunately, there is no escaping it. How the girl child takes care of herself during her period is very important because if she is not careful, she may cause herself more harm than the good she thinks she is doing. Females dread their period because they have a lot to deal with when it comes. More females than we know, almost cannot afford good sanitary napkins to care for themselves during their period, and so they result to cheaper means to tackle the problem and these means are always unhealthy and makes menstruation a frustrating and daunting experience for the girl child.
Lots of females in Nigeria are fighting and suffering as a result of one infection or the other. Most of these infections can be traced back to their menstrual hygiene, overall vagina care and infections gotten from the use of unhealthy restrooms.
Problems Of Female Genital Health
The girl child resulting to very low quality measures to care for themselves during their periods causing them harm.
The girl child having little or no knowledge on how to care for herself when on her period
Lack of funds and availability of the needed amount of sanitary towels the girl child needs to care for herself.
Lack of funds by the school and homes to help making the menstrual experience a lot easier.
How Would This Project Solve This Problem?
Since the ultimate goal of this project is to educate and assist the Nigerian girl child on female genital health and provide her with sanitary towels, we hope to;
01Make available skilled personnel(s) that would be in charge of educating the female child on matters of genital health and genital hygiene.
02Make available good sanitary napkins for the girl child at school or home, by distributing sanitary towels to them, during or after each session in each community or school.